Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Wedding

We had such a great wedding. We opted for a very small ceremony and we took our vows privately. It was so nice and relaxed. It was amazing. We had a family dedication ceremony with friends and family there and Raimi as part of the candle lighting. This was 3 becoming a family, not just two. :D

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lets Begin at the Beginning

Long ago in a far away land...
Here's a story of a lovely lady who was bringing up.....
Ah Yes....One day while sitting in the parking lot of Pegasus, Rachel and Chris decided (quite logically and rationally) that they should go ahead and get married. This was October 2006. 2 months later on December 1st, with a very small ceremony with friends and family they became, Mr. and Mrs. Neal. Thus began the adventures of The Neals as will be told forthwith on this blog. Please enjoy, feel free to comment/harass and never take it too seriously. :)

Let the adventure begin....