Tuesday, April 22, 2008

March & April 2008

Hi everyone, so I'm pretty much really late putting this one out. Sorry. So I'm giving you a 2 for 1 deal. :) March has been a fun month here in ol' Allen. The weather is warming up (tho we had a freak snowstorm) and we're getting outside! HOORAY!! Evan is growing like a weed, measuring a whopping 16 lbs 8 oz at his 4 month appointment. He figured out his hands and now grabs anything he can and sticks it in his mouth. Thank God he's not mobile yet! :D He loves to smile and laugh. His favorite person to laugh at is definitely his big sister Raimi. She has this goofy nonsense song she sings to him that cracks him up every time. Chris is working on getting video onto the PC and then you can see it in action.

We had snow and our first swim day all within a month. Gotta love Texas!! :) Evan's started eating solid foods. Oatmeal and bananas are a go....rice cereal and applesauce are apparently near poison :D

Raimi lost her very first tooth and already has one more wiggly one! She's got short hair now which Dad decided makes her looks about 8 years old. We've tried to convince her to stop growing but she keeps insisting she has to. ;) G'ma Jo made her Easter dress which she LOVES. They went and picked out the pattern from "the big book of dresses" and Raimi picked the material. You can see the pics in the album, it turned out BEAUTIFUL.

I'm working a few hours a week with my old boss Fred Bean (Rebel Travel) and that's been really great. Bringing in a little $$ every month makes me feel less like a mooch. :D Though I have to say I am LOVING staying home. I can't imagine anyone else taking care of Evan and I like being able to take care of the house stuff too. Who knew homemaking would suit me so well. :D