Friday, October 3, 2008

Quick Catchup

Sorry everyone, I've gotten really behind. I've put a couple albums out on Picasa to show our fabulous trip to California (Disney and G'ma, who needs more) and some other fun stuff.

Evan is starting to walk holding onto things though he won't walk with help from Mom or Dad. Kind of a theme with him right now. He won't take medicine, eat or walk if anyone helps. He takes medicine himself, eats only food he can eat with his fingers and will soon be getting a walker to get around the house. I am wondering what's going to happen when he can actually say "No! I can do that myself!" :)

Raimi is doing SO well at violin and homeschool. She is weeks ahead of where normal students are in violin. It's crazy to me how naturally she's picked it up. She is light years ahead of anything I could do. She is finished with her 1st grade math (though technically in Kindergarten). It's her favorite subject (GO MATH!!!). She really like learning and it's exciting to hear all the cool things she picks up on. She's really into art and science as well. We're working on her reading and God has blessed us with a 1st grade teacher that lives right next door. Ms. Elizabeth's favorite thing to do is teach kids to read so she's given us a ton of stuff, it's very cool. She's going to assess Raimi's reading level and then we can use the library's system to get books appropriate for that level.

Chris is having fun playing violin with Raimi. He proves over and over what an amazing dad he is. With the whole family sick for 2 weeks, it was amazing to see how well he can calm Evan and how comforting he is. Lots of Daddy/son naps. :)

I've just started a new Bible Study that is really great. It's helped me a lot with perspective and learning to enjoy my new stay at home lifestyle. It's a huge change from the last 12 years but God is showing me the fulfillment I can find in the everyday tasks.

We're keeping our fingers crossed and prayers going that Uncle Aaron, Aunt Jennifer and crew get to move down here. They're trying to sell their house in Colorado and looking in the Allen area to relocate..HOORAY!! It would be SO awesome to have them so close. Now we just need to get Leah down here. Wink Wink. :)

I'm going to update the kids albums soon so you can see how completely adorable they are now. :) Chris has some new video he needs to edit and get out here too so stay tuned for that.

OHHH Chris and I are both on Facebook and completely addicted so if you are too and we haven't found you yet, send us a request! :)