Thursday, February 28, 2008

February 2008

Hi Everyone! February's been a great month here at the Neal House. Summer is around the bend and we got a taste of it during our couple 70+ degree days. Woohoo!! We got to go to the park and Evan got his first slide and swing experience. :) We're having a blast with him. Raimi is an awesome big sister and spends lots of time with her little brother. He's growing like mad, well over 15 lbs now and talking up a storm. Chris is going to get video out soon so you'll be able to hear him. He has all kinds of VERY important things to say. :) He's found his hands and prefers them over a pacifier any day. You can find them dripping with drool anytime he's not asleep. We got some pictures taken and they turned out GREAT. We don't have them quite yet to post but if you wanted to take a look they're at under Clients. The password is Evan0 (that's a zero).

Raimi makes us laugh all the time with her very grown-up ways. :) She's reading like a fiend and we can't get enough Junie B. Jones. We finally found a Wii and she is a bowling champion. Seriously, she's the only one in the family that's reached professional status. It's very humbling to be schooled by a 5 year old. :) She hangs out with her friends and they are already like a bunch of teenagers, talking about clothes and putting on "make-up". They've even got their own album of all their good times.

Uncle Aaron came down and visited from Carbondale which was AWESOME. Evan definitely likes his Uncle and Raimi thinks he's the coolest. She's very interested in the fact that he "pushes snow" up in Colorado, every time it snows.

Chris's oldest friend in the whole world, Carlos, came up for a day. It was so nice to see him and his wife Catherine and sweet little girl Giselle. Giselle is quite the miracle baby and it was so fun to see her running around, playing, and talking up a storm. :)

Check out the pics for the month and of course there's new additions to Raimi and Evan's albums too! Have fun.

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