Monday, November 3, 2008

October 2008 -'s over. :)

We've had an awesome last month and we survived the crazy Halloween weekend!! Hooray! Halloween night followed the next day by Raimi's 6 yr old Haunted Birthday party. :)

Raimi's violin continues to amaze us. She's learning songs faster than we can give them to her. I am sure we'll see her playing in London or Paris one of these days. :) We hit the State Fair and Raimi rode every ride she could possibly get on. She is a TOTAL adrenaline junkie. Maybe stunt woman is in her future.

Evan is walking around a lot these days. He'll still crawl half the time but he's getting the hang of being upright. He's into EVERYTHING and all things in the house are slowly creeping higher and higher out of little hands' reach.

So life continues to move on and we continue to enjoy it. :) Chris got Guitar Hero 4 so we've been all working on our rockstar skills. Don't worry, there will be pictures of that soon. Check out the 2 new albums for October and the birthday party. (take extra time to look at Chris's halloween costume. Hee hee)

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