Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Catching Up

Well again, this is a summary, catch-up post. I wanted to get some new pics out that have our Christmas and some cool random stuff in general. Chris has been playing around with photoshop and learning some stuff so I put some of those out here. I think they're really cool and he's having fun tweaking, which if you know him, is kind of a summary of his whole personality. :D

The kiddos are awesome! We had a GREAT Christmas break with Raimi here a lot of the time. She is a gappy 6 year old with 7 whole teeth missing. We love the toothless grin. Evan is running around and into EVERYTHING. If he can climb it, stand on it, pick it up, push it or find a button on it, he's game. It's cool watching his personality come out and he's awareness of himself. He gets very proud of himself for his accomplishments.

The Mayes crew suprised us with a visit before Christmas. We were in the living room and suddenly the door opened and in walked Keagan and Skyler. My brain could not comprehend what was going was a very bizarre moment. :) We were SOOOO excited. Turns out God blessed us with lots of bad weather going north so they were stuck with us until the 26th. HOORAY!! We had a blast!

Anyway, check out the new pics in Cute Kids and the Christmas and Photoshop albums. Keep in touch!! :) LOVE YOU ALL.

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